Ceramics as memory containers

The word memory has various meanings. It is about past, various duration of time, a physical ability of brain and a function of mind. For me, memory is a combination of facts including time, place, and historical event, together with qualia, originally defined by C. I. Lewis (1929) as subjective experiences with senses.

I form my memories or present issues that could be future histories using ceramic materials as well as local raw materials. One of ceramics’ fundamental characteristics is its containment. Not only it has been used to make containers in human civilizations, but also ceramic material as geological components contains hundreds of millions of history by itself. The flexible or fragile clay body changes its property drastically into solid and permanent once it is fired. The long making process gives me enough time to recollect every detail of the moment I am putting into the work.

Ceramics is an accurate medium for me to to create containers for ephemeral memories and histories coalescing my qualia into them to give the invisible a permanent form to preserve them.