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Heterotopic Memories

Heterotopic Memories

2023 | raw materials, clay, pigments | size various

For people with dementia, memory is not only just a past, but it is also a parallel world. They go back and forth different time zones and places and all those times and places co-exist without contradiction in their lives. That state of mind reminds me of the concept of heterotopia defined by Michel Foucault (1986:22-27). Foucaultdefines two types of external space. One is utopia without real spaces, and the other is heterotopia in which exist as real spaces within the culture. Although Foucault in the article segregates heterotopia’s space from time, time in many categories indeed takes prominent roles. Additionally, within the six categories of heterotopias, even mirror functions as a heterotopia in terms of being a real object showing real things while connecting real and virtual spaces surrounding it, as well as theatre by showing multiple worlds one after another on single stage (Foucault and Miskowiec 1986:24-25). Then, why not the concept can be extended to multiple times and spaces that juxtapose within person’s mind and brain as well?

The body of artwork comes from my fear that I will get dementia in the future so as my mother and her mother. Therefore, I wish to preserve my memories before losing them, within the stone wrapped by my memory.


The Seventh Heterotopias


Memory Safe